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visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

Creative Commons License
This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Entries in Creativity (5)


Unsellable Objects

A while back in my Jewelry category I wrote a post called Unsellablegivable objects in which I wrote about how sometimes I learn a new technique such as this beading one, and I simply can't bring myself to give or sell any of it away. Here is another example of something else I do when I'm not painting, drawing, sculpting, writing, sewing or exhibiting.

Furthermore, I'm really interested in learning about how other creatives 'focus' and limit themselves. Lately, I've been feeling as though it's futile to even try to limit myself since I get easily bored with any one technique. Even if I can manage to make twenty of something (which I do often) when the wave is over - I move on. With getting older I've settled a bit - but barely.

I just have an issue with wanting to do too much. During meetings my hands always have to be moving. I get over-whelmed yet still always have five projects going at once, all with self-induced stressed and deadlines.

My hub says I behave as though I'm going to die tomorrow and have to do everything today! I am quite honestly a doer and need to be making something always.

Is anybody else like this or is it just me?? I mean between my writing and blurring the line between fine art and craft on a daily basis, I'm all over the place as an artist. And that's ok right?? Yeah, that's the 21st century non-outsourceable mind...right??

- Ciao Amarettogirl


Keri Smith The Illustrator and author of How To be An Explorer of The World

Illustration by Keri Smith

Keri Smith is an illustrator and graphic designer with an impressive and long list of clients that include: Forbes, Chronicle Books, Random House, Bank of Montreal, Toronto Stock Exchange, Ladies Home Journal, Men's Journal, New York Times, The Body Shop, Washington Post, People and others.

However she is most well know for her phenomenal work on creativity through the authorship of books that help the everyday day person tap into what I like to refer to the 'prana' (life force) of things, places, people and experience.

So here is a book, How To Be An Explorer of the World; Portable Art Life Museum, that I bought quite a while ago, as I maintain this creativity blog and am a HUGE fan of Keri Smith and her work.

the next book you should buy

This is Keri’s fourth book after so many other inspiring creativity-inducing books such as Living Out Loud, and my all time fave - The Guerilla Art Kit, and a book entitled Wreck This Journal. For creatives these kinds of books offer a treasure trove of prompts and inspiration, in order to help you see everyday things with new fresh eyes. I think they also offer some wonderful blogging prompts.

An Excerpt from How To Be An Explorer of the World by Keri Smith

Here is a prompt I think we should all try our hand at: a magical invented story inspired by an everyday simple object. For example,

I came across a light turquoise strand of thread that magically smelled of succulent cherries, airy cream, gold-dusted oranges and chocolate mousse. As I inspected it more carefully I knew it looked antiquated, weathered, and very fragile. So I placed it within an envelope and sent it to an expert. I eagerly awaited a response. After weeks of despondent mail-box-checking it finally came! It seems the thread belonged to a dress belonging to Marie Antoinette! It seems the thread was pulled from the actual dress that she disrobed of the day she had to change into simple white frock for her up and coming beheading. How the thread came to arrive on my house carpet is a whole other story...Now I keep this thread in a very special place, I've stitched into the lining of my coat so that I remember to 'Let them Eat Cake!'

If you still can't tell just how amazing this book is just read the back cover!

The back cover of Keri's Smith's book How to be An Explorer of teh world

Ms. Smith also maintains a blog entitled, Wish Jar Explorations of the Familiar that is laden with excerpts from her book, outstanding and well researched quotes by fascinating artists.


Earth Day Creativity Shot!************ Inspiring Artist Vik Muniz on TED Talks

Have 15 minutes??

Indulge in a creativity shot! Watch this TED talk video by Artist Vik Muniz who makes art from pretty much anything! Be it shredded paper, wire, thread, clouds, sugar or (my fave) chocolate!!

I think this is a great artist and visionary to look at on Earth day as his work inspires me to see in new ways and to look at things that I would normally disregard, and notice that these things have majestic potential.

My earth day wish and oath is that we would approach our communities and future with open eyes, a conscious heart, an active hand and a willingness to try. - Amarettogirl

Here in this video he describes the thinking behind his work and takes us on a tour of his incredible images. If you stick it out past the cotton, fluff shapes you'll me mesmerized!!

I was fortunate enough to see this Vik Muniz piece in 'real life' when it was at the MOMA:

So what do you say? After reading such negativity, deceit and hardships in the news why don't we shake our heads and open our eyes to seeing life a new. Lets try to see the beauty and potential in everything. Lets be more creative as we strive to create environmental balance and daily peace.

Lastly, let me share this phenomenal ten second exercise emailed to me today by a brilliant student W. Greenbaum,

Here is a 10 second exercise: Read then try...

Close your eyes. Inhale softly, then exhale slowly. Then open your eyes.

That moment was brought to you by the planet earth. The relative stillness provided by her gravity. The air from her atmosphere. Love and Respect her. That's all you have to do.

Happy Earth Day everyone!

3ww prompt:Deceit, Indulge, Oath


An Alternative Way to Think About the Creative Process

Seeing as I've been feeling a little under the gorgeous Northern Eastcoast weather this weekend, I spent a good portion of time laying back perusing through some of the amazing talks on TED. Something I highly recommend to any creative whenever they have 18 minutes to spare.

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Currently Ted features an amazing online community and offers what I consider to be a phenomenal set of free, brilliant, educational video-talks on what they appropriately have tagged 'Ideas Worth Spreading'. Their mission is to make the world a better place by the spreading of ideas.

So here is just one of many TED ideas that I want to help share, especially with my readers since this blog is on living an art-full life. This idea comes from Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of best selling book, Eat, Pray, Love. Her idea is that instead of the rare person "being" a genius, all of us "have" a genius. She's an excellent, inspiring speaker and this talk was just what every creative needs to hear every time they ask themselves, 'What's next?'

I hope you received a spark or an 'a ha' moment from this video. Let me know, as I will most likely be featuring Ted talks again!


For The Love of Blogging...

Well, I thought blogging would be just one of those things I could truly stick to in a disciplined fashion. As it turns out, there isn't much beside my four-legged children that I can stick with on a long-term basis- in fact my husband keeps shocking me with the number of years that we've been married (a whopping six and half years!) I'm just one of those people...easily distracted or perpetually overwhelmed by self-imposed deadlines. Hence my blogging has been sparse. In the end I have decided that it doesn't matter how many comments I get, or how frequent I post - but what matters is that I have something to say or an image to share that is of some worth to me.

Today is election day and the US world I live in is somehow going to miraculously change (or not) tomorrow. More young people have been active in ensuring everyone they know takes on their civic duty to vote. Facebook comments read with anxiety, hope and fear. As it has been so easy to get caught up in polarized political attitudes, a good friend and fellow artist Nick Guarracino a.k.a. Grumpyboy reminded me that we shouldn't romanticize or idolize any human, there is no such thing as a perfect or completely good or bad person - at the very least we will wake up tomorrow and finally be done with Bush. Thank you Nick.

Now I offer you my favorite pic of the week, Chica. In this shot she is thoroughly annoyed that I have awoken her from her nap on my desk just for a pic!

Baby Chica Sleeping on My Desk at Work

Now I must return to watching my favorite Rocky scene where Rocky slides down his apartment wall making out with Adrian for the first time! So hot!