Today's love note goes out to all my students for all the love I get from them on a daily basis...enough to keep me at my job!
This piece of jewelry is made out of precious metal clay (pmc) and what an awesome material this is! Invented by the Mitsubishi corp. PMC is fine silver that has been ground down into a powder and mixed with starch to make it pliable - like clay. When you are done sculpting it- you fire it and VOILA your left with 99% silver - not sterling silver but pure silver! Sweet huh?
I made a few of these word necklaces for holiday gifts a couple of years ago.
So here is today's request, you favorite 'love' word on post a comment and let me know!!
Its not to late to leave me a funny VDAY story in the last post comment slot - I want to post them on VDAY!