Well, as my regular readers have deduced I have slowed down on the blogging through these past few months of July, August and September.
There is a reason and some up and coming behind the scenes changes that I've been working on for the last 3 months that I will soon reveal here on my blog.
But first a word on the word seems to be the 'hot-button' word for my place of work this school year as is the notion of 'accepting it'. This ofcourse implies that the change is thrust upon you and not self-initiated. Fortunately in this technologically savvy world we're living in, I'm a big believer in innovation, stepping into discomfort in order to bend, stretch, learn and rustling ancient architecture. I also believe you can never stand in the same river twice...
However, I'm not a big fan of changing just for the sake of changing, or accepting changes that are counterproductive or an impedement to seeking your best possible life, or providing no actual improvement to the potential of learning. And I believe if you find yourself in one of those latter aforementioned negative states of change, you should not just accept it- in fact I believe you should never just accept daily discomfort and discontent, but instead change again, and again, and again until the process yields a journey of fruitful gains and you find yourself in a state of workable calm.