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visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

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This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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My Handmade Laptop Bag and Life Questions

IMG_1546.JPGThis was my back-to-school-craft that I made at the end of summer. Like the students its hard to get excited about returning to the school year. I am in love with Japanese craft books and I found book like this one:l_p10039563581.jpg

The books are not in English but the imagery, layout design and quality transcends translation and is exceptional. Click on the book to get order information!

As you may be able to tell I miss living in NYC; my birthplace and families home outside of Puerto Rico. I can't say that I regret moving out of NYC, because I don't. I simply miss it.

Most of us tend to learn early on that we should never live life with regret. Fortunately, I usually don't cater to regret at all. Still, I find the following questions intriguing, because we still often catch ourselves saying "I wish I hadn't done that." What I do regret, was not being more mindful of the importance of a community before my husband and I purchased our first home out here in the dune docks of hunting country (we're not hunters).

So here are the questions:


  • If you learned you would die in a few days, what regrets would you have?
  • If you were given five extra years of life, could you avoid those same regrets five years hence?

    I realize the answers to these questions may be too personal and complex to share here with me, so I added another question from the Book of Questions for you to ponder and share with me!!!

  • If you had the choice of one intimate soulmate and NO other close friends, or of no such soulmate and many friends and acquaintances which would you choose?

Since marrying and moving out of NYC this is more or less where I have found myself...with a soulmate and not many local friends - but I didn't really have a choice. If I had a choice (as this question implies...) I'm not sure I would change anything.

Reader Comments (6)

i have spent a life time desiring that one person that would make me complete... i search no more.. but i do not attempt to fill that void with "people" either.....

March 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpaisley

Lovely bag! I don't have the patience to make anything like that! I think I'd probably choose friends but perhaps that's because I haven't found my soulmate yet!

March 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKamsin

local/schmocal. my community simply stretched a bit last week. a simple train ride out... or in. community, thanks to trains and the internet, extends beyond our physical and local worlds. i hope you and g can be considered a part of our community. you and i have so much to talk about and share.

if i was going to die in five days i certainly wouldn't waste a single second on regrets. regrets are dead dead dead things- there is simply no reason to breathe life into them or attempt resuscitation.

i never plan regrets. we are who we are in any given moment. in five years- am i capable of making the same mistake twice? absolutely. but i won't regret it. did i mention regrets are dead dead things?

i tend to find a soul in all of my friends and acquaintances given enough time, patience and wine.

i like here and that bag is rockin'.

March 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJacqueline

If i were to die in a few days I would only regret not seeing the world, but its on my list of thing to do, so if i was given five extra years then of course I would spend them traveling. and I would want one "soul-mate" over a bunch of friends, because you can't tire of a soul mate, thats the whole point of them! also, I spoke to morganzola she told me you are having some issues, it was expected and try not to worry, enjoy europe, and you have friends back home

March 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersteph

Oooh, good questions...my kind of thing...
I have a teensy-weensy touch of hypochondria so right now in five days I might die of liver failure. A few years ago it would have been colon cancer! LOL! Either way, I’d have no regrets as I feel every choice I’ve made to date has been made to the best of my ability—with the knowledge accumulated, with the use of intuition as best I knew how to use and rely on it—and I couldn’t have done any better or different than I did.
If I had five years left, I don’t know if I could do any better. My first reaction was to think I wouldn’t repeat the things I wish I’d done better at, that I would do the things I have in mind to attempt. But DNA is what it is and childhood conditioning is strong...and, if anything, I feel less energetic, more cynical, less inspired, more jaded, etc. as I push into the years...
The last Q is easy because I’m a lone wolf. I’d be a recluse if my mate didn’t keep me mainstreamed! ;-)
Again, great questions, great post in general, with a nice mix of fun, art, and serious depth!

March 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermissalister

this bag is gourgous is it for sale? how much is it?

April 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercuchi

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