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visual artist and writer marisol diaz

i am a self-defined Nuyorican creative (that is a Puerto Rican who is from both the isles of Manhattan, NYC and the Caribbean). I share daily in the joy of education and live in a cute port town in New York, in a 'teensy-weensy' apartment with my two dogs and canary named Valentino. Check out my Etsy shop for purchasable pieces. Please do not reproduce imagery off of this site without explicit credit and no derivatives may be made of my original imagery- Thank You.

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This work by marisol diaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Here Comes the Snow & A Call to Live


All my students are at home hoping for a snow day tomorrow. This would make for our second long weekend (last weekend we celebrated President's Day), but you don't hear me complaining. I have so much painting to do, I could definitely use the time. My two four legged children are feeling the cold front too, check out my 14yr. old Maya and the new addition to the family, Chulo (8months) who has discovered a fetish for burrowing!

Last night the four of us (including my husband) ran outside around 10:30pm to frolic in the cold under the amber light of the lunar eclipse.


This really brings the concept of time passing, to the forefront for me. The next lunar eclipse will be three years from now. Which brings me to the point of today's blog. This blogging community has inspired me not to wait for New Years Eve or Birthdays to set my intentions into action. While I was out there in the blog world, I found SuperViva, great little site that encourages you to write down (list) your goals, dreams, desires for things you want to get done. I for one, have done this before in various journals. So why not just do this on paper? You may ask. Well, the cool thing is they encourage you to set timeline categories (like one of mine is 'Before I die' or 'In The Next Five Years'). You can connect with people who have the same goals and or, may have completed your goal and be able to assist you in getting your dream accomplished. I thought it was great fun! Try it!

Here are five of my top dreams to get accomplished:

1. Be a surrogate mother to chimpanzees (no, I am not joking)

2. Be able to walk or ride a bicycle to my daily grind

Right now, I commute a horrible 1hr&15 min. to work each way!

3. Write a graphic novel

4. Travel to Ireland, Africa and/or India

5. Adopt a child

So Share-- What are your top 5 (I know we all have more) things you would like to get done before you die?

To inspire you think of this:

One of my students, spent last weekend at an intense family gathering bidding farewell and celebrating a life past of his great Aunt Doris Willner. This was the quote on her refrigerator door, "Life's journey is not to arrive in a grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways shouting 'holy shit...what a ride'."

Reader Comments (11)

1.have a long life to share with you =)

2.hit the lotto

3.to have the best of luck

4.to be down to the way i want in life

5.for my daughter to have her most important wish in her life to come true

February 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercuchi

What a great and inspiring post. I might just do it on my blog, and I will make sure to share the blog love and link you from there. I am happy that you are getting a taste of the "sweet" life via "la cucina di Nicola."
I share the travel to India wish with you, we might see each other there ;)

February 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBeatriz

+love the pictures and the snow...let it snow, let it snow,...How did you spend your snow day? with the dogs? the chimps? the dolphins? So long and thanks for all the fish

To make it possible for my wife to do art all the time with no 'daily grind'(unless it is with me, heh heh.)

To find all of the drawings I have ever done and put them all in a show together.

To live as long and as meaningful a life, and touch as many people in such a positive way as my grandparents and parents have done.

To make the least destructive/ negative impact on people, animals, plants and the planet.

To have a bookstore/ cafe/ 80's memorbilia shop with my wife....run by very good people so I can help with cooking, not too much, so I can play with the toys, not too much, and draw in the cafe...toooo much!

February 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterstain boy

That totally makes sense!!! :)

February 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCaitlin Domanico Photography

Very cool idea! Now I have to play on your site more and look around:):):)

February 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCaitlin Domanico Photography

What an inspiring list. I go along with the idea of writing a dream down as the first step towards making it a reality. Way to go!

BTW... I was still tweaking my Hindu Kush post when your comment just appeared. And Yes, You were who the post was for - You and any of my bloggy friends who happen along. glad you enjoyed the visit.

February 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterImelda / GreenishLady

One of my biggest life goals is to leave the corporate world behind and do work I truly love. I have to tell you, when I was a little girl, my friend and I cooked up an elaborate scheme to bring home a chimpanzee from the zoo - we were going to hide him in my playhouse so our mother's wouldn't find out :D

February 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdragonflyreflections

This entry makes sense.
I often think about how people spend their lives.
Goals are fun to look forward to, and they don't always have to be huge.
I hope your goals are accomplished.
Although, I have to admit, the chimpanzee goal was quite unexpected. :P
Good luck!

February 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTheoneandonlyNicole

1. lvie in a submarine
2. read every book in barnes and noble
3. fool the night guards and get locked in a museum
4. beat mr.koenig at scrabble!!!
5. finish this list.

February 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersteph

goal number 4.5: beat my grandfather at checkers

February 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersteph

CHULO!!! I love you so much!

March 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEmi

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